In varietate concordia: Greetings from TNF authors of the College of Europe!

, by TNF Editorial Board

In varietate concordia: Greetings from TNF authors of the College of Europe!
Our team of authors at the College of Europe in Bruges, 17 January 2017.

As a European webzine, it is of primary importance for us to gather authors coming from different countries and horizons, having different experiences and various interests. The diversification of both the profiles of our contributors and the content of our articles has been one of our primary objectives, as well as the importance to meet and exchange in person (which is a challenge for an online media with authors living in many different countries and cities).

It is in this spirit that we are proud to present you today an international team of TNF authors. They are currently studying European Politics, Law, Economics or International Relations at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium, a postgraduate institute in European studies created in 1949. They are all coming from different countries, with different backgrounds and they have decided to share with The New Federalist their opinions and expertise on various European subjects (politics, environment, history, culture, defence, economics…).

13 authors, 14 articles, 12 nationalities

13 authors, 12 nationalities, 14 articles, diversified topics and strong opinions, we propose you today to (re)discover the articles written by the students of the Simone Veil promotion of the College of Europe in Bruges, during their first semester.

“I have never supported Catalan independence: here’s why” by our Spanish author Sergio Marin.

“The Spanish state has attacked European democracy: and we just let it happen” & “How Scottish Gaelic can europeanise Britain: fighting the UK’s linguistic paranoia” by our Scottish author Gavin Dewar.

“Catalonia and the use and abuse of democracy: where do we stand?” & “’Illegal love’: the criminalization of homosexual acts as violation of rationality in law” by our Italian author Giovanni Perrotta.

“Marine protection: the way forward” by our Maltese author Kimberly Zammit.

“Loot boxes and the European fight on parallel markets: a bias against online videogames?” by our Portuguese author Afonso Ferreira.

“Make love, not walls!” by our Polish and Italian author Francesca Risso.

“The underrated complexity of euroscepticism and why it matters” by our Swiss and French author Darius Farman.

“Hitting the EU stars: Montenegro and Serbia towards the EU accession” by our Serbian author Djordje Bojovic.

“Barroso at Goldman Sachs, or the mistreatment of European ethics” & “Enhancing the visibility of European political parties: another challenge for 2019 European elections” by our French author Lorène Weber.

Two articles on “European security and defense explained”, one on Cybersecurity and one on the Permanent Structured Cooperation cowritten by our Norwegian author Olav Mydland, our French and Bulgarian author Marc Nikolov, and our German author Miriam Peters.

Two articles for our Polish sister edition Kurier Europejski by our Polish author Kamil Mikulski.

And as Umberto Eco very well said, “The language of Europe is translation”, Alice Stradi, Bastian de Monte, Kamil Mikulski, Afonso Ferreira and Lorène Weber also translated articles in French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Polish!

Join the TNF adventure!

We would like to draw your attention to one great opportunity: The New Federalist, Le Taurillon and TreffpunktEuropa are organising a European Media Seminar at the European Academy in Berlin, from 27 to 29 April 2018. You are fascinated about European politics? You like analysing, writing and presenting an argument? You want to meet committed people coming from different horizons? Then take part in our essay competition!

We invite young writers and future journalists to submit texts on European politics, history and culture. We encourage authors aged 18 to 30 to hand in their essays! We are looking for contributions from authors who are already writing for our webzine and from authors who have first experiences in journalistic writing or blogging and who are eager to write regularly for our magazine.

Winners will be invited to attend the Seminar! All the information about the competition can be found on

Updated list in June 2018.

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